Russian Navy

"The Arctic Allied Convoys"

International Maritime Defence Show

The activities of the St.Petersburg Regional Organization «The Arctic Allied Convoys» is based on the ideas and traditions of North Convoys Brotherhood. The popularization of North Convoys' History, friendship and cooperation traditions between Russia and Great Britain and other countries of anti-hitler coalition as well as social support of veterans is considered to be the main goal of veterans and their associates.

The organization performed the following significant events and projects during 11 years of its activity:

- numerous meetings of veterans, press-conferences, radio and television performances, organization of such holidays as Victory Day, Defender of the Motherland Day, North Convoys Day,
- 5 international conferences with participation of veterans from Russia, Great Britain, USA, Norway, France, Germany, Iceland and etc.
- International Move «Dervish-2001» in St. Petersburg and world premiere of musical composition «Convoy Requiem PQ- 17» (Canada-Russia) in Alexandryisky theater,
- International memorial expedition Convoy-2003" to the places of losses of ships being in the PQ-17 Convoy Composition at the Barents Sea and to the archipelago Novaya Zemlya. Three ships were found.
- «International memorial expedition Convoy-2005» with participation of veterans of 1941-1945 North Convoys, white hats. Four ships were found.
- «International Move Dervish-2006» devoted to the 65th anniversary of the first convoys' arrival to USSR.
- Seven books and albums were published, 8 video films were issued,
- Participation in the following exhibition: «Russia open to the world» - London, 2002 and «St. Petersburg, 300 years of spiritual culture» - Moscow 2003.

Number of shows: 3771
Modify date: 12/17/2007 22:03:51
Field:  Other
Fax:  +7 (812) 323-45-06
IMDS-07 participant:  yes
Phone:  +7 (812) 323-45-06
Physical address:  45, 10 Line, St. Petersburg, 199178, Russia

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