Russian Navy

Majlis does not want Black Sea Fleet to inspire Crimean separatists

Majlis does not want Black Sea Fleet to inspire Crimean separatists 16.08.2010
Text: LigaBusinessInform
Photo: Mustafa Jemilev.
Russian-Ukrainian agreements on prolongation of Black Sea Fleet (BSF) deployment in Crimea did not win acclaim of Crimean Tatars, said Mustafa Jemilev, leader of Majlis of Crimean Tatars in interview to UNIAN.

"To us, there should be no foreign military bases in the territory of Ukraine, especially of those countries which political force lays territorial claims to Ukraine. Taking into account participation of Black Sea Fleet in Russian-Georgian conflict of 2008, we think this fleet menaces Ukraine to be drawn into others' wars", he said.

"We also consider that stay of Black Sea Fleet in Crimea inspires pro-Russian separatists for anti-Ukrainian actions, constitutes a threat to territorial integrity of Ukraine, and increases the menace of international conflict in Crimea", added M. Jemilev.

"Therefore, the Kharkov agreement on lease term extension of our territory for Russian naval base for 30 years, of course, did not win acclaim of Crimean Tatars", he concluded.

We recall that on Apr 21 the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich agreed that Russia would provide Ukraine with 30% discount on gas in exchange for prolongation of Russia's Black Sea Fleet deployment in Sevastopol for 25 years.

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