Russian Navy

Active phase of the border patrol exercise is over

Active phase of the border patrol exercise is over 26.08.2010
Text: RIA Novosti
Photo: An-72.
Active phase of multilateral joint border patrol exercise Pacific Co-operation for Security with participation of patrol ships of Russia, the U.S., Japan, S Korea, and China was finished on Wednesday in the Peter the Great Bay near Vladivostok, reported RIA Novosti citing Natalia Rondaleva, head of press service of Russian FSB Frontier Service, Primorsky Krai Branch.

The exercise was held within the framework of a seven-day International Maritime Boundary Forum of North Pacific countries started on Monday in Vladivostok, Russia. Delegations from Russia, the U.S., Japan, S Korea, and China took part in the forum. Russian delegation is led by Gen. Col. Viktor Trufanov, deputy director of Russian FSB Frontier Service and the chief of Coast Guard Dept.

Joint headquarters of the exercise started its activities in Vladivostok on Monday. It receives online data from the two exercise sites where combined task units perform training missions.

"On Wednesday the joint headquarters ordered a task unit consisting of Russian patrol ships Orel and Primorye, US Coast Guard cutter Jarvis, and Japanese Maritime Security Agency's vessel Echigo to stop and inspect the American-flagged vessel Tetis suspected in unlawful activity", said the interviewee speaking of the exercise scenario.

According to her, a Russian FSB aircraft An-72 was dispatched to search the vessel. Having detected Tetis, the aircraft directed patrol ships of Russia, the US, and Japan on the vessel found.

"As long as "criminal group" on board Tetis showed resistance, the unit had to use Russian assault team to neutralize it and stop the vessel. The boarding party rappelled on the deck from Mi-8 helicopter and assaulted the pilot bridge where the criminals settled. After that inspection teams sailed off American and Japanese patrol ships on fast-speed motorboats to monitor legality of the vessel's actions and search for narcotic drugs", said Mrs. Rondaleva.

However, the "criminals" detonated a bomb planted on the top deck and the fire occurred, she added. Escaping from the fire, several crewmembers jumped overboard. They were rescued by a motorboat dropped from US Coast Guard cutter Jarvis. A crewman "injured" by explosion was evacuated from Tetis by Japanese shipborne helicopter with the use of special rescue equipment. Russian patrol ship Primorye extinguished the fire by onboard monitors.

Having finished the training mission, Russian, Japanese, and American ships called at the port of Vladivostok. The day before similar drill was held by Russian, S Korean, and Chinese ships.

"By this, the active phase of the multilateral joint exercise was finished. Major objective of those maneuvers was to practice control over international force performing anti-poaching and anti-smuggling tasks, countering sea terrorists, and rendering assistance to distressed ships", specified Mrs. Rondaleva.

She said all participating ships had called at Vladivostok and moored at the pier of sea passenger terminal. The triumphant crew-meeting ceremony will be held on Wednesday 7.30 pm (local time).

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