Russian Navy

Staff of burned naval depot asks Medvedev for impartial investigation

Staff of burned naval depot asks Medvedev for impartial investigation 31.08.2010
Text: NR2.Ru
Personnel of naval aviation storage base suffered from fire near Kolomna ask Dmitry Medvedev to puzzle out reasons of the incident saying the decision to punish the depot staff was nonobjective.

According to open letter sent by work collective and trade union organization of military unit 13180, the President heard only one version reported by defense minister A. Serdiukov. However, the latter got a tip from his deputy – Chief of Support Services – who made a report "considering neither circumstances and reasons of fire nor the depot personnel's role in fire liquidation", reports Novaya Gazeta.

Staff of the base write that they had being extinguishing wild fire with expedient means for 10 days till the base was burned down. Base commander daily reported of fire hazardous situation addressing to regional authorities and EMERCOM, although did not get "efficient assistance". Throughout that period the regional administration "represented by deputy mayor V.M. Shkurov rendered a so-called aid which was four pump-type backpack extinguishers, and EMERCOM sent a fire truck three times", says the message.

In addition, as a result of structural reorganizations in the Russian Armed Forces held by defense ministry, the depot fire brigade and salvage team were totally dismissed. According to the base staff, there were no sufficient assets to liquidate serious fire.

Initiators of the message point out some contradictions in the legislation. For instance, one law says all warehouses and platforms should have fireproof breaks, and another law prohibits unauthorized extraction of timber. Ex-commander of the storage base who was not allowed to cut a fire-break and did it at his own risk was fined on 500,000 RUR.

Daily appeals to higher command, local authorities, and EMERCOM officials were ineffective, says the open letter. The fires were liquidated by the base assets. However, on July 29 storm wind caused head fire which destroyed some objects of the base infrastructure and a great number of neighboring country houses.

Authors of the appeal say about "double standards" when villagers are considered sufferers but depot personnel are treated like criminals.

"Company commander Maj. Yermolov by himself salvaged several units of expensive special equipment at the hazard of his life; base commander Lt. Col. Biront personally led anti-fire activities and saved lives of his subordinates and greater part of equipment. Nonetheless, both were dismissed by one stroke of the pen without any inquiry", conclude the base personnel.

They call for impartial investigation to be held by an independent authority but not by higher officers, because they "started witch-hunting with a view to whitewash their inaction", say authors of the message.

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