Russian Navy

Russian-French talks on Mistral deadlocked - media

Russian-French talks on Mistral deadlocked - media 10.09.2010
Text: Vzglyad
Photo: Mistral-type helicopter carrier Tonnerre.
Russian-French talks on Mistral sales aroused many problems, writes Le Figaro on Wednesday.

According to the newspaper, the problems appeared this summer. The source privy to the talks named the situation around Mistral as "very complicated".

Le Figaro underlines that in fact the negotiations were suspended due to a tender for construction of heli-carriers for Russia and that France got a S Korean competitor.

The newspaper also says the tender was announced six months after the talks between Russia and France had started. Reports of the tender even made French president Nicolas Sarkozy send his representative to Kaliningrad for additional information.

Le Figaro says that another charged matter is technology which is to be transferred to Russia along with the ships.

Even without arms, Mistral has electronic systems sometimes made in the U.S. and used for command, data acquisition, and reconnaissance, underlines Le Figaro. The publication says that according to the international rules, Washington has a right to put a veto on export of some American-made devices.

In addition, some Baltic countries along with Georgia and Poland actively protest against Mistral sale to Russia.

Some members of the European Parliament even offered to ratify a resolution in protest against such deal, notes the newspaper. "The US repeatedly said they don't like this Russo-French project. Even in Russia the opposition is quite active. Russian defense shipyards desire to keep work positions making no secret that they'd rather build those ships in Russia", points out Interfax referring to Le Figaro.

As reported by Vzglyad, on Aug 19 defense ministry approved the open tender for procurement of a helicopter carrier for Russian Navy, satisfying requests of United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC).

Recently, Russian ambassador to France said Russia would find its position on French carrier Mistral by the end of the year.

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