Russian Navy

Russian pilots trained at NITKA simulator were provided with everything

Russian pilots trained at NITKA simulator were provided with everything 16.09.2010
Text: Ukrainian Navy Press Service
Photo: Takeoff from NITKA ramp. e-Crimea
Russian pilots were supplied with everything they needed during practice at NITKA simulator, said Col. Yevgeny Kuznetsov, commander of Northern Fleet (NF) independent shipborne fighter regiment.

"During our practice at NITKA test range, Ukrainian partners provided Russian pilots with everything they needed: technical facilities, convenient time for flights, free airspace, and friendly attitude after all", said Col. Yevgeny Kuznetsov, commander of NF independent shipborne fighter regiment.

Previously, absence of a simulator for training flights of Russian naval aviation constituted lots of problems in training of young pilots, said Kuznetsov. As of today, with the use of NITKA five rookie pilots have been prepared for further aircraft carrier service.

"As it is planned, we'll finish our trainings in several days", said Col. Kuznetsov. "Hopefully, next year we'll be allowed to hold such training flights once more".

The simulator built in 1979 is designed for testing of shipborne air-technical facilities and aircraft, training pilots and technicians of deck-based aviation, added Capt 2 rank Vladimir Kuznetsov, deputy director of NITKA test range. In particular, the simulator is used for deck-landing practice of Ukrainian helicopter pilots, testing of catapults, arresters, and optical landing systems.

It should be noted that Russian naval aircrafts Su-27K, MiG-29K, Su-25UTG, and Su-27KUB have been training on NITKA simulator for three weeks. This activity is held in accordance with agreements signed on June 24 by Russian and Ukrainian defense ministers in Crimea during the third session of interstate security committee.

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