Russian Navy

Bulava launch proved failures origin was assembly

Bulava launch proved failures origin was assembly 29.10.2010
Text: RIA Novosti
Photo: Launch of Bulava. Moscow Institute of Thermotechnics
Two sequentially successful test launches of ballistic missile Bulava proves the version that the reason of previous faults could be assembly technology, reported RIA Novosti citing a source in state panel analyzed the missile's production process.

He reminded that the three missiles were assembled to determine reasons of previous mishaps; assembly process was thoroughly controlled at each stage. "Thus and so, we can make preliminary conclusion that the reason of faulty launches was assembly technology. However, the final conclusion can be made only after the third launch scheduled in the current year", said the source.

"Right after arrival of SSBN Dmitry Donskoy to the homebase, the panel will analyze the 14th test launch and set the date for the next one, which is expected to be the last one in 2010", said the interviewee.

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