Russian Navy

Russia repays Soviet debts to Slovenia with warships

Russia repays Soviet debts to Slovenia with warships 22.11.2010
Text: Lenta.Ru
Photo: Triglav.
Russian Svetlyak class patrol ship was delivered to Slovenian Navy as repayment of Soviet debt to Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), reported yesterday Agence France Presse.

This ship named Triglav in honor of the highest point of Slovenia is capable to secure 43 km of coastline. "With this ship, Slovenia will prove its sea power status", said Slovenian defense minister Ljubica Jelusic.

Estimated cost of Triglav is $35 mln; overall Russia's debt to Slovenia which separated from socialist Yugoslavia in 1990 and joined NATO in 2004 makes $129 mln.

According to, Svetlyak class patrol craft built by Almaz Shipyard (St. Petersburg) is not the first exported vessel of this type. For instance, the shipyard launched similar patrol boat for Vietnamese Navy on Nov 12.

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