Russian Navy

Indian Navy is dissatisfied with MiG-29K deliveries

Indian Navy is dissatisfied with MiG-29K deliveries 07.12.2010
Photo: MiG-29UB of Indian Air Force.
Indian Navy is dissatisfied with the way how Russia implements delivery contract on MiG-29K fighters, reports Livefist referring to a source in Indian Navy.

According to the source, the reason of discontent is Russia's cavils about contractual provisions and deferral of the fighters' participation in naval operations within a squadron in Goa.

On March 12, 2010 Russia and India tied a $1.5-bln contract for delivery of 29 deck-based fighters MiG-29K beginning from 2012. Also, according to the procurement contract on modernized Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov signed in 2004, Russia has to deliver 16 MiG-29K fighters.

Indian Navy has received 6 aircrafts through the recent six years.

Deck-based fighter MiG-29K is designed for air defense of ship formations, destruction of enemy air vehicles, coverage of landing operations, and air reconnaissance. The first flight was held on June 23, 1988; the first deck-landing on aircraft-carrying cruiser Tbilisi – on Nov 1, 1989. Mass production of the fighter has not been launched due to batch production of Su-27K fighter and shutting down of carrier-building program. The fighter's wingspan is 11.99 meters; length is 17.37 meters; height is 5.18 meters; standard takeoff weight is 17,770 kg; peak speed is 2,300 kph; max non-refueling range is 3,000 km; operating ceiling is 17,000 meters; aircrew is 1 pilot. Armament: 30-mm gun GSh-301; 9 wing stations for air-to-air/antiship/antiradar guided missiles and air bombs.

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