Russian Navy

Sechin: Russian Mistrals won't threaten other countries

Sechin: Russian Mistrals won't threaten other countries 25.01.2011
Photo: Igor Sechin.
Russia's procurement of Mistral class helicopter carriers does not threaten other countries; Moscow is open to explain the reasons of the sale to everybody, reports RIA Novosti citing Russian vice premier Igor Sechin.

On Tuesday Igor Sechin and French defense minister Alain Juppe signed an intergovernmental agreement on construction of Mistral class assault landing ships for Russia. Totally, it is planned to build four heli-carriers for Russian Navy.

Previously, a Latvian official said it had been a mistake of the NATO member to sell offensive arms to Russia and that Latvia would not feel safe anymore. Georgia also found menace in the coming sale, although recognizes the agreement as a sovereign right of the two countries.

"We are tolerant to criticism. Of course, I wish appraisals were objective, but obviously all negative things happen due to lack of information. Implementation of this project is by no means directed against any country. It is oriented to our navy's needs", Sechin said.

According to him, "there's nothing to cause such antagonistic reaction".

"We're ready to tell everybody how we are going to use these ships. Russian Navy makes no bones of it", emphasized the vice premier.

He underlined that Russia is open to develop technological cooperation with any country.

"Those who rapidly react, accept deep integration and technological cooperation, will definitely gain such privileges", said Russian Deputy Prime Minister.

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