Russian Navy

Dmitry Medvedev appreciated establishment of Mistral-building consortium

Dmitry Medvedev appreciated establishment of Mistral-building consortium 28.01.2011
Text: World Arms Trade Analysis Center
Photo: Dmitry Medvedev.
"We welcome the foundation of Russian-French consortium on construction of Mistral class assault landing ships", said Russian president Dmitry Medvedev appearing at World Economic Forum opened in Davos.

According to him, "joint work and technological exchange are of great importance in all areas, and defense is not an exception. I'm sure that in prospect they will create new level of confidence in global security".

"We will make the best use of technology transfer to modernize Russian industry", said Medvedev.

The head of Russia pointed out that globalization had made the world interdependent, and emphasized it was necessary to create integrated security system.

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