Russian Navy

Memorial activities related to 30th anniversary of tragedy claimed lives of Pacific Fleet command to be held in St. Petersburg

Memorial activities related to 30th anniversary of tragedy claimed lives of Pacific Fleet command to be held in St. Petersburg 31.01.2011
Text: Leningrad Naval Base Information Service
Photo: Tu-104.
Thirtieth anniversary since tragic death of Pacific Fleet servicemen in aircraft accident near Leningrad will be on Feb 7, 2011.

Following memorial events will take place in St. Petersburg on Feb 5, 2011:

Since 12.00 till 12.20 – military honors ritual; wreath-laying ceremony at the Memorial to died Pacific Fleet servicemen, Serafimovskoye Cemetery; minute of silence;
Since 12.20 till 12.30 – penitential litia;
Since 12.30 till 12.45 – mourning meeting.

Among attendants of the memorial ceremony will be Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief, commanders (representatives) of four fleets, Leningrad Naval Base, Navy Scientific and Research Center, honorable guests, veterans of the Navy, and relatives of died servicemen.

Aircraft crash near Leningrad was the largest flight accident in the history of the USSR which claimed lives of top-ranking military officials. As a result of a crash of Tu-104 aircraft registered in military air base in Vladivostok, 52 men died including 16 admirals/generals and about 20 captains 1 rank. That tragedy totally beheaded Soviet Pacific Fleet for some time.

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