Russian Navy

Aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov will be transferred to India late in 2012 – official

Aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov will be transferred to India late in 2012 – official 02.03.2011
Text: Interfax-AVN
Photo: Admiral Gorshkov.
All issues regarding delivery of Russian aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Gorshkov and nuclear-powered attack submarine Nerpa to India have been already settled, they will be handed over to the orderer within the period stipulated, said Mikhail Dmitriev, director of Federal Service for Military Technical Cooperation (FSMTC).

"We have arranged all issues. I think we'll manage to keep within time and cost limits. And, finally, we'll realize all plans", said he in the interview to Kommersant published on Thursday.

Answering the question when it is planned to deliver Admiral Gorshkov to Indian Navy, Dmitriev said: "By the end of 2012. That was stipulated in documents, and we're going to keep the term. The ship's trials are scheduled in 2011-2012".

Speaking of transfer of SSN Nerpa to Indian Navy, he said that "everything is ready, there's no problem".

"Now the matter is at final stage. There's no need for any additional works, maybe just the sub's interior painting and some other minor things. Indian crew has been working with Russian instructors for a long time, and executes a number of tasks. Neither Russian nor Indian partners have any concerns about it", said Mikhail Dmitriev.

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