Russian Navy

Pirates captured Greek ship with Russian sailor on board

Pirates captured Greek ship with Russian sailor on board 02.03.2011
Text: Lenta.Ru
Photo: Dry cargo ship MV Dover.
Pirates hijacked Panamanian-flagged Greek cargo ship MV Dover on Feb 28 in the northern part of the Arabian Sea, reports official website of EUNAVFOR Somalia.

There is one Russian sailor in the crew, 19 Filipinos, and three Romanians.

The ship was sailing from Pakistan to Yemen. Details of the capture are uncertain so far. There is no communication with the ship. Information about the crew's health status is not available either.

However, according to online Maritime Bulletin – Sovfrakht, the crew has probably sheltered in one of the ship's compartments waiting for help.

Late Jan 2011 cargo ship MV Beluga Nomination was captured 100 km off Seychelles; there were also Russian citizens aboard the ship. Reportedly, at least one of them was killed.

Thus, according to Maritime Bulletin – Sovfrakht, Somali pirates currently hold three Russian hostages – one from MV Dover, one from MV Beluga Nomination, and another one from Tunisian tanker Hannibal II.

In 2008 UN Security Council permitted foreign warships to operate in Somali territorial waters, although so far they have not managed to take control over piracy. Pirates' activity is explained by the fact that the state has virtually ceased to exist – there is no central authority in Somali, only separate non-recognized state formations.

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