Russian Navy

Ukraine fears military alliance with Russia, although not opposes profitable orders

Ukraine fears military alliance with Russia, although not opposes profitable orders 02.03.2011
Text: Rosbalt
Photo: Taras Berezovets.
Ukrainian defense industry should cooperate with Russia only in case of economic benefits, said political analyst Taras Berezovets in the interview to Rosbalt.

"If proposals of Russian defense minister Serdiukov to adopt new program on military industrial cooperation with Ukraine are followed by certain orders for warlike equipment made by Ukrainian manufacturers, we should agree to that. Ukraine is interested in Russian orders. However, if the program offered by Russia implies further military alliance, we must by no means accept that", he said.

The expert is sure that Russia has a right to modernize its fleet in Crimea even without the new program, "but Ukraine must be informed in advance about all activities in Crimea".

On the other hand, the expert supposes that Russia "does not place stake on reinforcement of Black Sea Fleet, because it's a landlocked sea where force ratio is 4:1 in favor of Turkey". "So, there's no point to strengthen the fleet there. That is why Russia is not interested in that. It is unlikely must be mentioned in the new defense industrial cooperation program", considers Berezovets.

Recall that Russian defense ministry recently reported that Russia and Ukraine could sign a new agreement on Black Sea Fleet re-armament. At present, the parties negotiate on new items of bilateral agreement. According to actual agreements, re-armament of Black Sea Fleet is possible only by Ukraine's approbation.

Group of experts will prepare talks on procurement of cruiser Admiral Lobov from Ukrainian shipbuilders. This is a Soviet long-term shipbuilding project; the ship has been staying at shipyards for decades. Her completeness is estimated as 95%. At last, Russia made a decision to buy the cruiser for its Black Sea Fleet.

Besides, Russia is about to engage some experts from Yuzhmash (Ukraine) for development of liquid fuel heavy ballistic missiles of the last generation which are to shift the obsolete predecessors.

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