Russian Navy

Ex-marine received a medal for counter-piracy

Ex-marine received a medal for counter-piracy 10.03.2011
Text: Vesti.Ru
Photo: Denis Zorchenko.
Medal for combat merits was handed over to 20-year old Denis Zorchenko, resident of Sayansk. The honorable sign is an award for anti-piracy operation. Denis Zorchenko is the only man in the region rewarded with a medal for counter-piracy.

Now he is 20. When it was time to serve in the military, he was keen to be airborne trooper. However, he became a marine. Denis had served in Vladivostok for half a year, and then 20 guys from his company were sent on mission to the Gulf of Aden to escort civil vessels from the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean. They did their job for two months without incidents. And in May 2010 an unexpected event happened, said Denis.

"We had escorted another convoy and let the ships sail to the Indian Ocean. Our ship headed for the opposite side. After a while CO said that the ship we had escorted was hijacked in the ocean", tells Denis Zorchenko.

At first, it was decided to release Russian tanker Moscow University by air assault operation. But then the ship's command realized it would be better to attack pirates from the sea.

"Our boat was sailing along the tanker's board when we noticed pirates' motorboat. We climbed on board with the rope. By that time pirates lacked ammo and did not shoot".

Denis does not remember how long the tanker release operation lasted – time stood still for him.

"I can't express my feelings. You know, we were not afraid while the operation, but were scared next day when everyone realized the danger. We did not expect things to be so serious".

After successfully conducted combat operation, Russian marines were allowed to phone their relatives. Denis was grown in orphan home, so his closest relatives are aunt and uncle.

"What can I say? Of course, I'm proud. We have a good boy, that's all", says his uncle Anatoly Gulevich.

For courage and dedication displayed in the combat mission, the sailor was decorated with the Medal for Combat Services. Now junior sergeant (retired) D. Zorchenko puts on his parade uniform only on special occasions. He is going to graduate from evening school this year and to enroll into fire academy. He says saving people seems to be his mission.

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