Russian Navy

Anti-Libyan coalition bombed off Soviet-made antiship system

Anti-Libyan coalition bombed off Soviet-made antiship system 23.03.2011
Photo: Rubezh.
International coalition destroyed launchers of Soviet-made antiship missile system Rubezh at Libyan naval base in Tripoli, reports Reuters referring to Libyan Navy.

According to Reuters, missiles hit roof of hangar with at least 4 antiship missile launchers inside. The base was still on fire even 15 hours after the strike.

According to Libyan officer Fatih al-Rabti, six missiles and a bomb hit the hangar yesterday and there was a huge explosion.

As for him, damaged trucks were the element of Soviet-made mobile coastal missile system P-21 Rubezh. MLRS Grad launcher was also destroyed. However, that equipment was used only for the purpose of education.

Some trucks including Soviet ZILs did not suffer damages. Personnel also survived – it was evacuated prior to the missile strike.

Libyan officer Capt Abdul Baset said they had been aware that the object was a potential target; they were warned and managed to evacuate the base personnel. According to him, ships were not damaged; probably, this will happen tomorrow.

"This is wrong. This is just a training facility. I tell you Obama, we thought you were a good man. But now we've seen you are wrong. Now I hate Obama", said Libyan officer Riad Agil.

On March 19 armed forces of the US, Great Britain, Italy, France, Canada, Belgium and other countries kicked off operation Odyssey Dawn aimed against regime of Muammar Gaddafi and implied bombing and missile strikes upon Libyan territory.

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