Russian Navy

Pacific Fleet rescuers held drills at sea (photo gallery)

Pacific Fleet rescuers held drills at sea (photo gallery) 31.03.2011
Text: Pacific Fleet Information Support Group
Photo: Diving drill. Pacific Fleet Information Support Group
Pacific Fleet (PF) rescue vessels Sayany, Fotiy Krylov, and Alagez took the sea to conduct scheduled drills (photo gallery).

PF rescue ships practiced various activities testing capabilities of robots and deep-sea armors in Peter the Great Bay.

Rescuers spend several days training to salvage "wrecked" submarine lying on the seabed. Remotely-controlled submersibles Panther and Tiger were also used in the drill. They are controlled by operators from special cabins equipped with monitors displaying underwater picture.

Executive officer of rescue ship Sayany Sergei Balanenko explained that unmanned submersibles cope with the most difficult operations including cutting, sawing, rope severing, releasing and lifting of foul objects etc.

According to chief operator Viktor Gonets, one can do filigree work by submersible's manipulators; for instance, take 1-inch shells. However, this equipment is designed for serious mission – to help and rescue. For one, these robots are capable to provide air feeding of shipwrecked objects.

Apart from unmanned submersibles, rescuers also tested an atmospheric diving suite which constructively resembles a small bathyscaph. It is capable to dive at depths of up to 370 meters and stay underwater for up to 48 hours.

According to PF Salvage Unit Commander Capt 2 rank Pavel Bozhok, his guys will continue different drills in Peter the Great Bay for several months. In April they are going to perform deep-sea dives on 30 and 60 meters from rescue ship Alagez.

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