Russian Navy

Georgian warships to call at Russian port of Novorossiysk

Georgian warships to call at Russian port of Novorossiysk 31.03.2011
Text: Rosbalt
Photo: Georgian naval officer.
Ships of BLACKSEAFOR task group will call at ports of Novorossiysk and Sevastopol within the framework of coming activation.

The exercise will start in the first decade of April in Turkish port of Istanbul, reports Yuga.Ru referring to Black Sea Fleet Information Support Group.

The festivities associated with the 10th anniversary of BLACKSEAFOR will be attended by warships of Bulgaria, Georgia, Russia, Romania, Turkey, and Ukraine, as well as all navy commanders of participating countries. Russia will be represented by the crew of Black Sea Fleet large landing ship Yamal.

BLACKSEAFOR naval co-operation task group was established in 2001. Each of the six Black Sea countries delegates one warship to the joint force. Main objectives are conducting of search-and-rescue joint exercises; humanitarian, counter-mine, and ecological operations; good will visits.

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