Russian Navy

Black Sea Fleet prepares for a fire-risky season

Black Sea Fleet prepares for a fire-risky season 22.04.2011
Text: RIA Novosti
Photo: livejournal
In accordance with the resolution of Russian Fire Prevention Committee, Black Sea Fleet (BSF) conducted scheduled qualification fire drills.

The drills' purpose is to determine practical personnel readiness and equipment capabilities to protect military assets from mass fires in prairies and forests, and to practice emergency activities during spring/summer fire hazardous season. Standard firefighting units of BSF units and organizations were involved in the drills. Specific attention was given to firefighters of the fleet's arsenals and ammo storage depots.

According to Chief of BSF Fire Dept Major Denis Perepelitsa, the first phase of the drills showed that all units commanders used responsible approach in fire prevention activities, basing on past years' experience. BSF continues to improve its fire security system.

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