Russian Navy

Black Sea Fleet to surrender lease of some assets in Sevastopol

Black Sea Fleet to surrender lease of some assets in Sevastopol 12.05.2011
Text: RIA Novosti
Photo: Black Sea Fleet HQ.
Moscow and Kiev will hold negotiations in order to surrender leasing of several large land plots in Sevastopol by Russia's Black Sea Fleet, writes Kommersant-Ukraina referring to available materials from Sevastopol city administration.

Ukrainian ambassador-at-large Viktor Semenov who is in charge for BSF-related issues said this matter would be negotiated.

"In June we plan to consider at expert level a number of issues regarding Russia's participation in social development of Sevastopol and other BSF basing sites. We're going to talk on this matter as well", writes Kommersant citing the diplomat.

According to the newspaper which refers to explanatory note of Sevastopol city council, subject of negotiations is Black Sea Fleet's refusal to lease 5 land plots with overall area of 749 ha located next to Sevastopol downtown.

"Those plots have lost their functional and strategic significance for Russian Black Sea Fleet", said the explanatory note.

As of today, Black Sea Fleet leases 3,312 ha in Sevastopol and almost 15,000 ha all across Crimea.

It is planned to turn released land plots into commercially advantageous assets, i.e. to construct residential buildings, hotels, and a seaport.

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