State-led company Rosoboronexport will represent Russia in talks on French Mistral class helicopter-carriers, reports Interfax referring to Russian vice premier Sergei Ivanov.
Last year the Mistral negotiations were conducted by defense ministry's officials; now all of them are dismissed.
"I can tell that Rosoboronexport represents our delegation now", said Ivanov at the press conference. He refused to name the head of the delegation because that issue went beyond his competence.
A military diplomatic source reported on Apr 20 that the procurement contract for two Mistral class assault landing ships would be signed with France not earlier than next year, since its preparation is a long and complicated process.
According to experts, delegation of defense ministry overlooked shipborne electronic equipment which should have been also included into the contract. As a result, there are substantial disaccords with French party regarding the contract cost. The head of Rostehnologii Sergei Chemezov affirmed in mid-Apr that the talks had reached a deadlock.