Russian Navy

Serdiukov: Mistral sale won't be a first step to NATO standards

Serdiukov: Mistral sale won't be a first step to NATO standards 16.06.2011
Photo: Anatoly Serdiukov.
Russian Armed Forces will not reorient to NATO standards, said Russian defense minister Anatoly Serdiukov on June 16 after the Parliamentary Hour.

"We won't shift to NATO standards. And we're not going to buy Leopards [NATO's main battle tank]", he said.

According to ITAR-TASS, rumors about the fact that Russia would give up national armament standards and allegedly reorient to NATO ones emerged in media in the context of coming Russian-French deal on Mistral class assault landing ships.

Serdiukov reported to the parliament on the course of military reform and situation in armed forces behind closed doors. "I've answered some questions of MPs, although had little time. European missile defense issues were not touched upon", said the minister at the press conference.

One of the subjects at Parliamentary Hour was frustration of State Defense Order 2010. "Some directors and military officials were punished", said Serdiukov. Meanwhile, deputy chairman of parliament's defense committee Igor Barinov said that "unclear pricing system and non-competitive conditions have led to sad consequences in this area".

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