Russian Navy

Active phase of BALTOPS-2011 exercise is over

Active phase of BALTOPS-2011 exercise is over 20.06.2011
Text: Baltic Fleet Information Support Group
Photo: Large landing ship Minsk. Baltic Fleet Information Support Group
Sea phase of the BALTOPS-2011 joint naval exercise is finished in the Baltic Sea; Russia is represented by Baltic Fleet (BF) large landing ship Minsk under command of Capt 2 rank Alexander Morgen.

The international maneuvers were held in four zones of the Baltic Sea; participants practiced interaction within task groups, conducted search-and-rescue and inspection activities, exercised antiaircraft and anti-mine defense, artillery firings, and underway replenishment. In addition, the sea phase included anti-piracy and anti-terror activities as well as repelling attacks of fast-speed small-size targets.

Along with her task group, BF large landing ship Minsk practiced joint maneuvering, gun firings at air- and sea targets, and took part in search and patrol operations.

At present, the BALTOPS-2011 participants arrived in Kiel port to summarize maneuvers and attend the traditional Kiel Week festival.

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