Russian Navy

Rescue tug Shakhter returned to Sevastopol

Rescue tug Shakhter returned to Sevastopol 09.08.2011
Text: Red Star
Photo: Rescue tug Shakhter. Black Sea Information Support Group
Black Sea Fleet (BSF) rescue tug Shakhter moored at homebase Sevastopol on Aug 4. The cruise of the BSF auxiliary ship lasted 3 months. The crew had excellently accomplished all assigned tasks and received traditional piglet roast.

During the long-range cruise, the tug called at Spanish and American ports. According to BSF Information Support Group, Shakhter left Sevastopol early in May and along with BSF submarine Alrosa headed for Spain to participate in the Bold Monarch 2011 submarine search-and-rescue exercise. The crew of Shakhter deserved appreciation of the exercise director for high professionalism displayed.

When the Bold Monarch 2011 exercise was finished, Shakhter set a course for the US to support participation of Northern Fleet (NF) large ASW ship Admiral Chabanenko in the FRUKUS-2011 joint naval exercise; apart from Russian sailors, the exercise was attended by the US, France, and the UK. The exercise objective was to practice anti-piracy and convoy-escort activities of the joint task force. The exercise consisted of several episodes including drills in interaction, communications, and coordination needed for protection of shipping, as well as countering terror, smuggling, and propagation of hazardous weapons and materials.

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