Russian Navy

Prirazlomnaya oil platform to arrive at operation site on Aug 27

Prirazlomnaya oil platform to arrive at operation site on Aug 27 22.08.2011
Text: Sevmash press service
Photo: Offshore ice-resistant fixed oil platform Prirazlomnaya.
Offshore ice-resistant fixed oil platform Prirazlomnaya will arrive at the operation site on Aug 27, reports Sevmash press service referring to Valery Borodin, the shipyard's Deputy Director General.

On Aug 19 oil platform Prirazlomnaya left Murmansk heading for its permanent "residence" – same-named oil field in the Pechora Bay. Average speed of movement is 2.7 knots. The unique platform has only 456 miles ahead to cover.

"Tentative date of the platform's arrival is Aug 27", said Valery Borodin, Deputy Director General of Sevmash shipyard. So far, everything goes on according to plans", he added.

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