Russian Navy

Caspian Flotilla Held Damage Control Drill

Caspian Flotilla Held Damage Control Drill 12.01.2012
Text: Southern Military District Press Service
Photo: Harbor minesweeper German Ugriumov.
Caspian Flotilla (CF) harbor minesweeper German Ugriumov held a ship damage control drill under supervision of Capt 2 rank Pavel Kuleshov, head of CF Technical Dept.

During the drill, crew of the minesweeper practiced liquidation of fire hazard in a ship's compartment, sealing a hole, and drainage of water from flooded hold.

Having received emergency alarm signal, the ship's crew headed by Capt 3 rank Kirill Gavriliuk took battle stations. Damage control party displayed good teamwork when liquidation of fire and sealing the "hole" in bottom.

Seamen Nikolai Zaguliayenko and Vasily Grigoriev distinguished themselves in the drill. Despite only 2-month service record, they acted properly and performed their mission excellently.

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