Russian Navy

NF Naval Aviation Held Training Flights

NF Naval Aviation Held Training Flights 31.01.2012
Text: Western Military District Press Service
Photo: Western Military District Press Service
Crews of Northern Fleet (NF) ASW aircrafts Tu-142, Il-38 and helicopters Ka-27 carried out training flights using all antisubmarine weapons, as well as practiced searching and trailing of submarines. Pilots of NF Shipborne Air Wing conducted scheduled flights by Su-25UTG and practiced air engagement, interception of high-altitude target, and aerobatics.

In total, over 1,000 pilots and technicians of NF Naval Aviation were engaged in the flight drills.

Training flights were preceded by thorough preparation; technical personnel and experts of ground services passed qualification tests.

Basically, NF Naval Aviation operates deck-based fighters Su-33, deck-based trainers Su-25UTG, ASW aircrafts Tu-142 and Il-38, ASW helicopters Ka-27, transport aircrafts An-12 and An-26.

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