Russian Navy

Defense Ministry, MiG Corporation Tied Contract for Ship-Based Fighters

Defense Ministry, MiG Corporation Tied Contract for Ship-Based Fighters 01.03.2012
Text: Russian Defense Ministry
Photo: MiG-29.
Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdiukov and Director General of JSC Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG Sergei Korotkov signed the contract for a parcel of deck-based fighters MiG-29K and MiG-29KUB.

In accordance with contractual terms, the MiG corporation will deliver 20 fighters MiG-29K and four MiG-29KUB to Russian Navy in 2013-2015.

Technically, the aircraft will meet all appropriate requirements of the defense ministry.

Serdiukov emphasized that "signing of that contract is tangible contribution to the long-term armament re-equipment program. After Air Force, new advanced combat aircraft will be commissioned into the Navy; those airplanes yield to none of the best foreign analogs".

Director General of JSC Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG Sergei Korotkov said that conclusion of the government contract is the topmost result of longstanding work on new fighters and their batch production. "MiG-29K and airplanes designed on its basis will provide steady workload for the corporation's productive capacities", pointed out the MiG director.

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