Russian Navy

Northern Fleet Scouts Finished Camp Exercise

Northern Fleet Scouts Finished Camp Exercise 03.04.2012
Text: Western Military District Press Service
Photo: Western Military District Press Service
Northern Fleet (NF) Coast Defense Troops finished camp drills of reconnaissance units; the exercise took place at training range of NF Marine Regiment. During the 3-week long exercise, NF scouts performed firing and driving drills, practiced various reconnaissance methods in sever polar conditions.

Special emphasis was placed on special tasks like observation, picket actions, searches, ambushes, and deep raids.

Survival drills in extreme Arctic conditions were also carried out during the exercise. In particular, health maintenance at low temperatures and strong winds, snowcraft, covert making of fire and shelters, finding water and food on mission in enemy's rear were practiced in field.

At the closing stage of the camp exercise, reconnaissance units held a tactical drill and got marks for the whole winter training period.

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