Russian Navy

Black Sea Fleet Rescuers Prepare for Fairway of Peace 2012 Exercise

Black Sea Fleet Rescuers Prepare for Fairway of Peace 2012 Exercise 10.04.2012
Text: Southern Military District Press Service
Photo: Southern Military District Press Service
Servicemen of Black Sea Fleet (BSF) Naval Aviation Search and Rescue Service carried out parachute jumps to assigned point. The jumps were held from An-26 airplane flying at altitude of 1,200 meters; jumpers were tasked to land into a circle.

Young rescuers participated in the drills along with expert parachutists. Although such kind of parachute jumps is a routine element of combat training, this time it was held as preparation for the Fairway of Peace 2012 Russian-Ukrainian naval exercise coming in May.

According to the exercise scenario, BSF rescuers will be air-dropped in assigned area to help sailors in distress.

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