Russian Navy

Serviceman Knocked Girl Down in Severomorsk Convicted

Serviceman Knocked Girl Down in Severomorsk Convicted 10.04.2012
Text: Press service of Northern Fleet Investigative Committee
Court admitted evidential material collected by Northern Fleet (NF) Investigative Committee sufficient for criminal sentencing of NF seaman Rajabov Roman Ilyas Ogly.

Rajabov was found guilty of a crime specified by Clause 264/3, RF Criminal Code (traffic infraction resulted in death by negligence).

Investigators and the court found out that in the evening of Oct 5, 2011 the serviceman was driving private car Nissan Pathfinder along Sivko Street in Severomorsk. The eighth-year schoolgirl Tatiana Kostereva was crossing the street beyond the crosswalk at the time. In violation of traffic rule 10.1, Rajabov ignored unfavorable road and weather conditions, and did not reduce the speed. That is why he failed to notice the girl crossing the street and knocked her down. The accident resulted in intravital blunt concomitant injuries of head, body, and limbs; despite rendered medical treatment, the girl died later on that day.

Severomorsk Court Martial found Rajabov guilty of the mentioned crime, sentenced him to 3-year long penal settlement and suspended his driving license for 2 years.

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