Russian Navy

SSBN Alexander Nevsky Laid Up at Sevmash Shipyard

SSBN Alexander Nevsky Laid Up at Sevmash Shipyard 02.05.2012
Photo: Sail of SSBN Alexander Nevsky.
Defects revealed on Project 955 nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) Alexander Nevsky during first phase of sea trials are being eliminated at Sevmash shipyard, reports the shipyard's press service.

Docking of the submarine and further transfer to the 55-th workshop took 3 days and was held in severe ice conditions. Shipwrights, designers, and contractors will have to test all systems and prepare SSBN Alexander Nevsky for trials within quite short period. The next stage of trials will be resumed in summer.

According to plans of United Shipbuilding Corporation, parent company of Sevmash shipyard, active sea trials of SSBN Alexander Nevsky will finish by the fall of 2012, and then the submarine will be presented to acceptance commission for further state trials. It is expected that the sub would launch two R-30 Bulava ballistic missiles in October or November. Upon those test launches are over, the acceptance certificate will be signed and SSBN Alexander Nevsky will be handed over to Russian Navy. The sub's commissioning is scheduled late in 2012 or early in 2013.

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