Russian Navy

Baltiysk to Host French Minesweeper Cassiopee

Baltiysk to Host French Minesweeper Cassiopee 30.05.2012
Text: Western Military District Press Service
French Navy's minesweeper Cassiopee will visit Baltic Fleet (BF) main base Baltiysk early in June. BF harbor minesweeper Sergei Kolbasiev will act as a host ship; the crew will meet and accompany French naval mariners in the Russian port.

When protocol activities are over, commanding officers of minesweeper Cassiopee will hold a press conference on board the ship.

Program of the visit includes traditional so-called "messroom exchange" (mutual banquettes in officers' messrooms). It is also planned that the French ship would be visited by locals of Baltiysk. As usual, sport events like soccer game and tug-of-war are a special item in the visit program.

Joint minesweeping exercise will take place on the last day of the visit.

The exercise will be attended by a BF naval helicopter.

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