Russian Navy

Russian Military Refuted Reports of Ship Deployed to Syria

Russian Military Refuted Reports of Ship Deployed to Syria 18.06.2012
Text: Lenta.Ru
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Russian General Staff denied blankly the information of some American media agencies that a Russian ship with military servicemen on board was allegedly deployed to Syrian port Tartus, reports ITAR-TASS.

"All our ships are presently in the base Sevastopol except landing ship Caesar Kunikov. But the ship is heading in the Black Sea on her way from Italian port Messina", stressed a spokesman for Russian General Staff.

"Either American intelligence blunders or it neglected school course in geography", joked the undisclosed military official.

Recall that American TV channel NBC reported last Friday referring to informed sources in defense ministry that a Russian ship with naval mariners on board had been dispatched to Tartus in order to protect Russian assets in Syria.

Nonetheless, the source of ITAR-TASS in the military confirmed that several BSF warships including large landing ships with marine units on board are ready for deployment to Syria.

"As long as Mediterranean Sea is the responsibility area of our Black Sea Fleet, it is quite possible that its warships will be deployed there to maintain security of Russian Navy's maintenance base in Tartus", said the interviewee.

Meanwhile, Washington has not commented the information of NBC channel so far, although confirmed that the White House was aware of the TV report.

ITAR-TASS reminds that Russian Navy has its only naval base beyond the former USSR space in Tartus, Syria. Established in 1971, the base is capable to accommodate Russian warships deployed in the Mediterranean.

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