Russian Navy

Caspian Flotilla Prepares for Caucasus-2012 Strategic Exercise

Caspian Flotilla Prepares for Caucasus-2012 Strategic Exercise 22.06.2012
Text by Southern Military District Press Service
Photo by Southern Military District Press Service
Caspian Flotilla (CF) command holds a number of headquarter exercises and staff trainings in order to prepare commanding officers for effective control of subordinated forces.

During tactical exercises at sea, crews carry out firing drills by standard armaments.

CF newest corvettes Dagestan and Volgodonsk are finishing preparation for transfer to the Caspian Sea via inland waterways. They will take direct part in active part of the coming exercise.

Marine units held joint drills with transport aircraft and practiced full-equipped jumping from Mi-8 helicopters hovering at 2-3 meters.

Young draftees who recently joined the flotilla are undergoing basic training course including firing theory, tactical drills in different conditions, use of weapons and military hardware.

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