Russian Navy

Gun Firing Drill Demonstration Held on Cruiser Petr Veliky

Gun Firing Drill Demonstration Held on Cruiser Petr Veliky 06.08.2012
Text: Western Military District Press Service
Photo: Western Military District Press Service
Demonstration of firing drill security measures took place on board Northern Fleet (NF) nuclear-powered missile cruiser Petr Veliky.

The demonstration was attended by NF division commanders, flag experts, ship commanding officers, executive officers, and missile officers. The activity was directed by NF Deputy Commander Andrei Volozhinsky.

During theoretic part, the fleet's commanding staff passed oral and written quizzes in security measures at firing drills. After that, the ship's crew demonstrated gun firing drill and obeyed all appropriate safety precautions.

In the nearest time nuclear-powered missile cruiser Petr Veliky will head for the Barents Sea to carry out combat training tasks, including those with gun/missile firing drills.

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