Russian Navy

Priest Became Assistant of Marine Brigade Commander

Priest Became Assistant of Marine Brigade Commander 09.08.2012
Text: Western Military District Press Service
Orthodox priest Konstantin (Kiosev) was appointed assistant to Baltic Fleet (BF) Marine Brigade Commander in order to work with faithful servicemen.

Through short period of time, he has deserved respect and authority amid marines. Priest Konstantin permanently accompanies servicemen taking part in routine life of brigade. He passed airborne course and carries out parachute jumps with Black Berets during their training activities.

In the next few days priest Konstantin will participate in landing operation at BF tactical exercise for the first time. After dismounting ashore, the priest will continue combat drill along with marines inspiring them by words and deeds.

As for religious activities, priest Konstantin arranged various outstanding events participated by servicemen of the brigade and other BF military units.

On July 28, during celebration of the Russian Navy Day and 70-th anniversary of BF Marine Brigade, two icons with incorruptible hallows of St. Andrew the First-called and St. Alexander Nevsky were brought to the brigade during international maritime sacred procession.

On Aug 5 - the Remembrance Day of St. Feodor Ushakov - an icon painted with hallows of the saint admiral was delivered afoot from the brigade to the St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Baltiysk.

Other seven priests will be appointed chaplains to BF units located in Kaliningrad region, as well as to the Ushakov Baltic Naval Institute.


Priest Konstantin was born in Kaliningrad; in 2003 he graduated from Smolensk Orthodox Seminary and was inducted into the first Orthodox Church rank - deacon. In 2008, he obtained degree of psychologist at the Kant Russian State University. Since 2003 through 2009 he provided religious education to troubled youngsters at Kaliningrad Juvenile Correctional Center.

On July 26, 2009 on the Russian Navy Day father Konstantin was inducted into the rank of priest and appointed to service in constructed cathedral of Baltiysk. When construction of the St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was over, he was appointed its rector. Since 2010 through present, he heads charity and social service department at Kaliningrad eparchy. He is married, has six children including one adopted child.

Priest Konstantin did not pass conscript military service, since he had large family at the draft period. However, he studied in cadet class and passed military course there. Early in 2012, priest Konstantin took part in conference of chaplains of Western Military District held at the Khrulyov Logistics and Transport Military Academy in St. Petersburg. Also, the priest passed full parachute jumping course at the Margelov Airborne Military College in Ryazan.

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