Russian Navy

Russia to Arm with Unmanned Submersibles

Russia to Arm with Unmanned Submersibles 03.09.2012
Photo: Obzor-600 autonomous unmanned submersible.
Russia is developing stand-alone unmanned submersibles for special tasks, Anatoly Shlemov, head of state defense order department at United Shipbuilding Corporation told RIA Novosti.

"It was decided as early as 1989 that some special tasks should be performed by robotized assets, and sometimes without human involvement. Those are unmanned vehicles used in underwater domain. US Navy goes the same way", explained Shlemov.

According to him, development of unmanned submersibles is "a very promising trend". Late in 80's, Soviet Union abandoned midget submarines Piranha in favor of unmanned assets for sabotage and counter-sabotage purposes.

In the end of last year, Russian Navy commissioned Obzor-600 remotely-controlled autonomous unmanned submersible. It is based at Black Sea Fleet and used for sea-bed exploitation. British-made submersibles Tiger and Panther Plus were used for that purpose before.

The Obzor-600 submersible is equipped with manipulators and sonar capable to detect underwater objects at the distance up to 100 meters. Besides, the submersible may transport color or black-and-white video images to an operator. It is unknown whether such submersibles would be used for sabotage and counter-sabotage purposes.

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