Russian Navy

American Destroyer Visits Vladivostok

American Destroyer Visits Vladivostok 20.09.2012
Text: Vzglyad
Photo: Guided missile destroyer USS Vandergrift.
US Navy's guided missile destroyer USS Vandergrift moored at Vladivostok port. During the 2-day long visit, American naval mariners will meet with Pacific Fleet (PF) officers and Vladivostok authorities, said PF spokesman Capt 1 Rank Roman Martov.

The ship was met on the quay by Capt 1 Rank Alexei Zhovtonozhko, commanding officer of PF Guards missile cruiser Varyag, specified Martov.

According to him, upon arrival, the American delegation met with Vladivostok mayor. Then the plan is to lay wreaths at the Pacific Fleet Battle Glory Memorial. The guests will also meet with a senior naval officer of Vladivostok port. Martov added that the visit of the US Navy's ship will finish on Sept 22, reports ITAR-TASS.

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