Russian Navy

Vladivostok Meets Japanese Naval Ships

Vladivostok Meets Japanese Naval Ships 24.09.2012
Text: Eastern Military District Press Service
Photo: Eastern Military District Press Service
Task unit of Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force comprising destroyer Ariake and frigate Oyodo on Sept 23 called at Vladivostok. The ships will spend four days in the Pacific Fleet (PF) main base.

Purpose of the visit is strengthening of friendly relations between the two navies. The parties also plan to hold a joint antipiracy exercise.

Japanese guests were met on the quay by PF official delegation headed by Capt 1 Rank Igor Smolyak, PF Surface Ship Division Commander.

During protocol meeting held in Vladivostok Naval Officers' Club, Japanese officers met with PF Deputy Commander RADM Andrei Ryabukhin. In his speech, the officer emphasized significance of mutual contacts and cooperation at sea between Russian and Japanese navies. The head of Japanese delegation expressed hope on further strengthening and continuation of such relationship.

Throughout the 4-day visit, naval servicemen of the two countries will have excursions onboard the ships, Japanese mariners will go sightseeing around Vladivostok and lay wreaths at the Eternal Flame of the Pacific Fleet Battle Glory Memorial. Locals of Vladivostok will have an opportunity of visiting Japanese warships. In addition, PF mariners will play friendly soccer game with their Japanese counterparts.

The visit will last till Sept 26 and finish with the joint exercise.

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