Russian Navy

Russian Defense Ministry Announces Scientific Contest

Russian Defense Ministry Announces Scientific Contest 08.10.2012
Text: Russian Defense Ministry
Russian defense ministry kicks off the all-Russia contest of scientific and research projects in the interests of Russian armed forces.

The contest is believed to:

- attract youth's interest to scientific work for Russian military and accumulate potentials of youth innovation sector;
- provoke open dialogue between Russian armed forces and scientific community;
- involve intellectual and management potentials of Russian citizens and organizations into strengthening of national defense capacity and development of dual-use technologies and products.

All students, undergraduates, postgraduates, doctoral candidates, other Russian citizens, as well as scientific, innovative, and production collectives having scientific potential and internal motivation for handling of large-scale and complicated scientific and engineering problems are invited to attend the contest.

The contest committee will summarize results and determine winners deserving money bonuses. Regardless of results, some participants can be employed in defense ministry's organizations to implement their projects.

Participation in this contest is a chance to realize bold ideas and contribute into strengthening of Russia's defense capability and development of national scientific and technical potential.

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