Russian Navy

Innovation: Russian Navy Inculcates Modular Shipbuilding

Innovation: Russian Navy Inculcates Modular Shipbuilding 15.10.2012
Text: World Arms Trade Analytic Center
Russian Navy implements modular system in construction of new ships, said Rear Admiral Vasily Lyashok, Deputy Chief of Russian Navy Main HQ and the head of Russian Navy Development Planning Dept.

In his interview to the Echo Moskvy Radio, Lyashok emphasized that "we're trying to follow the path of multi-functional modular shipbuilding", reports RIA Novosti.

Modular system implies rapid refitting and conversion of a ship by replacement of particular blocks, structures and containers. Thus, a ship must be capable to perform not only one limited task like it was before but several ones, reports the news agency.

"We try to set requirements for constructed ships so that they could accomplish wide range of tasks simultaneously", stressed the officer.

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