Russian Navy

Source: Russian Navy to Found Torpedo Test Range

Source: Russian Navy to Found Torpedo Test Range 16.10.2012
Text: Vzglyad
Photo: Eastern Military District Press Service
A multifunctional year-round torpedo test range will be established at the Black Sea cost near Gelendzhik on the basis of a scientific research institute.

"To implement state arms procurement program regarding production of underwater weapons for warships and submarines, a naval range project will be submitted for the governmental consideration in the nearest time. It is planned to found it at the Black Sea coast near Gelendzhik on the basis of a scientific research institute", said an informed source. As for him, Russia presently does not have a deep-water naval test range working all year round, reports Interfax.

"After breakup of the Soviet Union, one range fell to Ukraine, another remained in Kyrgyzstan", specified the interviewee.

As for him, the state arms procurement program provides manufacturing of fourth-generation torpedoes Fizik and Kant-3M, and development of fifth-generation Lomonos-type torpedo rockets.

"These and other torpedoes need numerous tests in deep-water conditions", emphasized the source.

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