Russian Navy

Russia to Spend RUR 6 Trillions on Armed Forces

Russia to Spend RUR 6 Trillions on Armed Forces 18.10.2012
Photo: Western Military District Press Service
Spendings on Russian armed forces in 2013 will grow almost by 15% comparing to the current year, namely from RUR 1.39 up to 1.63 trillions, reports Interfax referring to Vladimir Komoyedov, the chairman of Russian parliament's defense committee.

According to the politician, in 2014 and 2015 expenses will grow up to RUR 1.9 and 2.41 trillions respectively. These calculations were made in the draft federal law on the budget for 2013 and planned period of 2014-2015 introduced by the government for parliamentary consideration. Therefore, Russia's overall defense spendings in the next three years will make nearly RUR 6 trillions.

Komoyedov specified that major portion of those funds will be appropriated for armed forces activities. In 2013, RUR 775 bln will be channeled for that purpose, in 2014 – RUR 797.17 bln, and in 2015 – RUR 833.09 bln. Curiously, expenses for monetary allowance of military servicemen will gradually reduce. In 2013, they will be RUR 341.9 bln, in 2014 – RUR 324.89 bln, and in 2015 – RUR 323.99 bln.

The chairman of parliament's defense committee added that the law requires additional RUR 22.5 bln in 2013 to maintain armed forces. In the further two years, these sums will be RUR 36.4 bln and RUR 51.5 bln respectively.

It is planned to spend RUR 23 trillions under the State Arms Procurement Program 2011-2020. In particular, that money will be spent on new armor vehicles, aircraft, and missile/air defense assets.

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