Russian Navy

Stealth Corvette Volgodonsk Debuted in Caspian Sea

Stealth Corvette Volgodonsk Debuted in Caspian Sea 24.10.2012
Text: Vzglyad
Photo: Southern Military District Press Service
Corvette Volgodonsk took the Caspian Sea for the first time since state sea trials to accomplish combat training tasks and firing drills with similar corvette Astrakhan, reported press service of Southern Military District.

"Corvettes Volgodonsk and Astrakhan left their homebase for the Caspian Sea to hold firing drills", reports RIA Novosti referring to Caspian Flotilla (CF) press service.

Reportedly, Volgodonsk takes the sea for the first time since state acceptance trials.

Throughout 10 days, crews of the stealth ships will carry out a number of special tasks including engagement of sea/coastal/air targets, navigation and maneuvering at different weather conditions and formations.

Presently, Caspian Flotilla operates two corvettes of this class – Astrakhan and Volgodonsk. The third one, Makhachkala is passing state acceptance trials and will join Caspian Flotilla late in Nov 2012.

Corvette Volgodonsk is designed for naval operations in littoral sea zone and rivers. The ship was designed with orientation at the Caspian Sea and the Volga river mouth; basic specifications were high seaworthiness and shallow draft. Volgodonsk is the second Project 21630 Buyan corvette.

Volgodonsk was developed by Zelenodolsk Design Bureau (Tatarstan, Russia) and built by Almaz Shipbuilding Firm (St. Petersburg). The ship's powerplant is equipped with two waterjets making possible to navigate in shallow waters.

Thanks to stealth technology applied in the ship's design, Volgodonsk has low radar signature.

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