Russian Navy

Black Sea Fleet Participates in IONIEX-2012 Exercise

Black Sea Fleet Participates in IONIEX-2012 Exercise 06.11.2012
The IONIEX-2012 joint Russo-Italian naval exercise started on Nov 5 off Italy. Russia is represented by Black Sea Fleet (BSF) destroyer Smetlivy and seagoing tug MB-304, reports BSF press secretary Capt 1 Rank Vyacheslav Trukhachev.

IONIEX-2012 exercise is being held in Taranto, Italy in Nov 5-10. Italian Navy delegated frigates Aviere and Zeffiro.

According to the exercise schedule, crews are practicing joint actions in the port in Nov 5-7; sea phase of the exercise will be held in Nov 8-10 in the Ionian Sea.

Since 2004, the IONIEX exercise has become a traditional annual activity of international military cooperation between Russian and Italian navies, reports RIA Novosti.

Main purpose of the exercise is improvement of interaction in joint naval operations.

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