Russian Navy

SSGN Severodvinsk Launched Newest Cruise Missile

SSGN Severodvinsk Launched Newest Cruise Missile 08.11.2012
Text: Vzglyad
Photo: Press service of JSC Sevmash
Nuclear-powered submarine Severodvinsk successfully performed test launch of a new cruise missile and hit sea target during the state acceptance trials in the White Sea, said an informed source in Russian defense industry.

"During state acceptance trials at the White Sea, Yasen-class lead submarine Severodvinsk launched Caliber supersonic cruise missile from submerged position at a sea target. The target was successfully hit", the insider told ITAR-TASS.

According to another source, in 2012 the fourth-generation SSGN Severodvinsk has spent over 100 days at sea undergoing trials. In 2011, the sub spent about 120 days at sea.

Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief ADM Viktor Chirkov said on Aug 17 that trials of SSGN Severodvinsk would finish by the end of the current year.

SSGN Severodvinsk is a double-hulled single-shaft nuclear submarine with reduced level of acoustic field. Conning tower has streamlined oval shape; strength hull is subdivided into 10 compartments.

For the first time in Soviet/Russian shipbuilding, torpedo tubes are located not in bows but behind central station; that enabled to use bow space for advanced sonar antenna.

Eight vertical launch tubes are designed for missile arms. Powerful weapon system includes supersonic cruise missiles and multipurpose deep-water homing torpedoes. The sub is also equipped with state-of-the-art communication hardware and navigation aids, and powered by crucially new nuclear powerplant.

Introduction of latest Russian military technologies will make Yasen class the world's most silent and covert submarines.

Displacement of SSGN Severodvinsk is 8,600/13,800 tons; dimensions are 119 x 13.5 x 9.4 meters; test depth is 600 meters; speed is 16/31 knots; crew is 90 (32 officers).

It was reported on Oct 30 that Borei-class lead nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine Yury Dolgoruky had finished state acceptance trials and was presented to Russian Navy for commissioning.

Shortly before that, the ex-minister of defense Anatoly Serdiukov said that commissioning of the new strategic submarine had been postponed again for spring 2013.

In May 2012, defense ministry signed three contracts for modernized Project 955A submarines; each of those 5 submarines will be capable to carry 20 Bulava ballistic missiles. The contract for designing of the lead modernized Borei sub named Knyaz Vladimir was tied with Rubin design bureau; for her construction - with Sevmash shipyard; for construction of 4 upgraded Borei-class submarines – with United Shipbuilding Corporation.

Therefore, eight strategic submarines are to be built and delivered to Russian Navy till 2020 under arms procurement program. Three of them are Project 955 Borei four-generation subs, and five are Project 955A Borei-A fifth-generation ones.

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