Russian Navy

Severnaya Verf Shipyard Celebrates Centenary

Severnaya Verf Shipyard Celebrates Centenary 14.11.2012
Shipwrights of Severnaya Verf are celebrating 100-th anniversary of the shipyard. One hundred years ago, on Nov 14, 1912 the Putilovskaya Verf was established there as an independent shipyard.

Laying down of a keel for Project 23120 new-type supply ship for Russian Navy took place at the shipyard today on its centenary.

Attending the solemn keel-laying ceremony, Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Viktor Chirkov congratulated the shipyard's collective on the jubilee. In his speech, the admiral thanked the staff for ships they had built for Russian Navy.

Through the 100-year long history, the yard has built over 250 surface warships with overall displacement over 500,000 tons for national navy and for export, and almost 300 commercial ships.

History of the Severnaya Verf shipyard is indissolubly tied to the history of St. Petersburg (in Soviet times, Leningrad). Workers of Putilovskaya Verf took active part in life of the pre-revolutionary city. During the Great Patriotic War, the shipyard named then the Zhdanov Leningrad Shipbuilding Plant did not stop production even for a minute. In the second half of 20-th century, that was Severnaya Verf who provided Soviet/Russian Navy with the most up-to-date ships.

Presently, in 21-st century JSC Severnaya Verf still leads Russian shipbuilding industry. Backlog of the yard's orders till 2020 exceeds RUR 200 bln; the shipyard employs about 4,000 persons.

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