Russian Navy

Monument to Marinesko Opens in 2013 by Russian Navy Day

Monument to Marinesko Opens in 2013 by Russian Navy Day 12.12.2012
Photo: Model of the monument to Marinesko.
Monument to outstanding Soviet submariner Alexander Marinesko is to be established in St. Petersburg in accordance with earlier scheduled date, member of the city assembly Andrei Vasilyev and chairman of local community Vladimir Syasko told Central Navy Portal.

"Just as was planned, the monument will be founded on the 100-th jubilee of the heroic submariner, on January 13", Vladimir Syasko said. "At present, people fr om Ukraine, Moscow, and our city donate money for the monument foundation", he added.

Member of St. Petersburg assembly Andrei Vasilyev was one of the initiators of the monument establishment. As for him, "known sculptor and dean of sculpture faculty at the Petersburg Academy of Arts Ivan Korneyev has already began work on the full-size plaster figure of Marinesko".

"There are no problems in financing either", Vasilyev told Central Navy Portal reporter. "The foundation stone will be laid in January, and opening of the monument will be held in July 2013, on the Russian Navy Day", Vasilyev said.

In accordance with the monument project approved by St. Petersburg Urban Construction Council, it will be a 3-meter high sculpture made of black granite.

That monument will become the first open-access memorial built in commemoration of the best WW2 Soviet submariner. Visiting of the rest two monuments is restricted, as one stays in a naval unit in Kronshtadt, and another in the Spetsmaterialy defense scientific center wh ere Marinesko worked in the post-war period.

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